Grifco GLD-SDO

High-Cycle Operator for Light-Commercial Sectional Doors
The Grifco LS-Drive is the perfect high-cycle operator for sectional doors found in small carparks. Designed for up to 50 cycles per day, it is the ideal automation solution for small multi-tenanted applications. It delivers all the necessary logic configurations without any unnecessary complexity.
The quiet, powerful drive train delivers smooth and fast door cycles, with soft start and soft stop
Logic options can be easily configured to “open only” and “timer-to-close” and an OPEN input
The extremely durable extruded aluminium rail is available in 2 lengths and features a clever mounting method and integrated cable management
The rail can be easily surface mounted for low ceiling carparks
*Additional purchase of Grifco myQ Gateway and Safety IR Beam accessories required to enable myQ functionality.